When killing Cockroaches, Time Is Not On Your Side

If you see one roach in your house, you probably have hundreds, thousands or maybe even tens of thousands. So don’t delay. Start killing cockroaches. Time is not on your side. It’s on the roaches side. You have get killing cockroaches immediately. Today, if humanly possible. Because the 1,000 cockroaches you have living under your roof today, will probably be a couple of thousand tomorrow.

Yes, that’s how fast these creeps reproduce.

Roaches can produce up to 30 egg capsules and within those capsules there could be 15 to 50 eggs. One female cockroach can have up to 30,000 offspring in their lifetime. And it gets worse. Because the offspring is sexually active within 8-12 weeks and start producing baby roaches themselves. The number of cockroaches you have to kill will not just grow, it will explode.


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